ponedeljek, 25. avgust 2014

Japanese mochi

Edo café je pravi naslov za tiste, ki obožujete azijske sladice. Ponujajo mochi, tradicionalno japonsko sladico v dveh različicah: mochi cream ali mochi ice cream. Izbirate lahko med 20imi okusi, z malo kalorijami in čudovitimi okusi. 

Priporočava: mochi ice cream ;)

{Mochi cream: green tea, mix berry, mango.} 

{Mochi ice cream: mango, green tea, strawberry, tiramisu.}
Cene niso ravno prijazne denarnici. Za 1 mochi cream boste odšteli 12 AED (2,5€) in za 1 mochi ice cream 15 AED (3€). 

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Edo café is the place for those who love Asian desserts. They offer mochi, a traditional Japanese dessert in two versions: mochi cream and mochi ice cream. You can choose between 20 flavors, with a low calories and delicious flavors. 

We recommend: mochi ice cream ;) 

Prices are not wallet friendly. 1 mochi cream is 12 AED (2,5 €) and 1 mochi ice cream is 15 AED (3 €).

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