sreda, 15. oktober 2014

Camel milk @ The Majlis Dubai

Kamelje meso sva že poskusila, zdaj je bilo na vrsti kamelje mleko. Jure pretiranega veselja nad tem ni ravno kazal, je bil pa seveda pripravljen poskusiti nekaj novega.

Pri mošeji Jumeirah najdete čudovito kavarno The Majlis Dubai. Tam sva našla vse kar sva potrebovala tisti vikend. Mir, knjige, čudovit prostor, prijazne natakarje in kamelje mleko. Začela sva s sladoledom narejenim iz kameljega mleka, jagodnim kameljim mlekom ter zaključila s Camelccinom, ki je bil (po mojem mnenju) eden izmed boljših kapučinov v zadnjem času.

Prvo mlekarno s stotimi kamelami so v Dubaju odprli leta 2006. Danes imajo več kot 3400 kamel in 250 zaposlenih. Za molžo kamel uporablajo avtomatske stroje, ki so zelo podobni tistim za molžo krav, s to razliko, da so jih morali prirediti na ta način, da kamela dobi občutek kot, da mleko sesa mladič. 

Kamelje mleko vsebuje 3x več vitamina C kot kravje mleko, ima zelo malo laktoze, je polno proteinov, mineralov in ima kar 50% manj maščob kot kravje mleko.

Pričakovala sva okus podoben kozjemu mleku, kateri nama ne steče zlahka po grlu. Daleč od tega. Bila sva navdušena :) 

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We've tried camel milk in the past, so now was time to try camel milk. Jure was not so excited about this idea, but was willing to try something new. 

You can find a wonderful cafe The Majlis Dubai near Jumeirah Mosque. There we found everything that we needed that weekend. Peace, books, wonderful place, friendly waiters and camel milk. We started with ice cream, strawberry camel milk and finished with Camelccino, which was (in my opinion) one of the best cappuccinos in recent times. 

In 2006 was opened the first creamery with a hundred camels in Dubai. Today there is more than 3400 camels and 250 employees. They are using automatic machines for milking camels, which are very similar to milking cows with one difference that they have modified hem in such a way that camel gets the feeling that calf sucking that milk. 

Camel milk contains a lot of vitamin C (3 times more than cow's milk), has very little lactose, is full of protein, minerals, and has 50% less fat than cow's milk.

We expected taste like goat's milk, which we do not flow easily down the throat. Far from it. We were thrilled :)

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